

This Python code snippet defines a meta-class MetaConfig and a class AppConfig that uses MetaConfig as its metaclass. This design pattern is primarily used for creating configurable application settings where configurations are expected to be unique, accessible globally, and modifiable at runtime.

MetaConfig (class):

Description: MetaConfig is a metaclass used to create singleton configuration instances. This ensures that each configuration class defined with MetaConfig as its metaclass will have only one instance throughout the application lifecycle.


  • _configurations: a class-level dictionary that stores instances of configuration classes. The keys are the names of the configuration classes, and the values are the singleton instances.


  • __new__: this is the constructor method for creating new instances of classes defined with MetaConfig. When a new class instance is created, this method adds the instance to the _configurations dictionary and ensures that only one instance of each configuration class is created.
  • get_config: a class method that retrieves a configuration instance from the _configurations dictionary based on the configuration class name. If the configuration does not exist, it returns None.

AppConfig (class):

Description: AppConfig serves as a base class for application configuration classes. Instances of subclasses of AppConfig are intended to store various configuration settings.

Metaclass: MetaConfig. This association makes AppConfig and its subclasses follow the singleton pattern through MetaConfig.


  • __init__: the constructor method that initializes a new configuration instance. It takes keyword arguments and sets them as attributes of the instance, allowing for dynamic creation of configuration properties.
  • dynamic_update: this method allows for the dynamic update of existing configuration properties. It accepts a dictionary of updates, where keys are configuration property names, and values are the new values for these properties. If the specified property exists, it updates the property; otherwise, it raises an AttributeError indicating that the configuration is unknown