
Python Script for Real-Time Video Processing and Streaming


  • OpenCV: Used for video capturing and image processing.
  • Base64: Used for encoding binary data into ASCII characters.
  • SocketIO: Used for real-time communication between the client and the server.
  • NumPy: Used for handling large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices.
  • Time: Used for time-related tasks, such as waiting for the server to start.


  1. Server Initialization Wait:
    1. Waits 5 seconds for the server to be fully operational before attempting to connect.
  2. SocketIO Client Setup:
    1. Establishes a connection to the server running on 42069.
  3. Processing Frame Callback:
    1. Listens for “gray-response” events from the server
    2. Upon receiving data, decodes and converts it into a NumPy array for further processing.
  4. Video Capture:
    1. Starts capturing video from the default webcam (device index 0).
    2. Continuously reads frames from the webcam in a loop.
  5. Frame Encoding and Sending:
    1. Encodes the captured video frame into JPG format.
    2. Encodes this JPG image into a base64 string and sends it to the server for grayscale processing
  6. FPS Calculation:
    1. Calculates the Frames Per Second (FPS) of the video stream.
  7. Frame Display:
    1. Checks if a processed frame is available
    2. Resizes the original and processed frames to have the same height.
    3. Concatenates these frames side-by-side and displays them in a single window.
  8. Cleanup:
    1. Releases the webcam.
    2. Closes all OpenCV windows.
    3. Disconnects the SocketIO client.