Python Script for Concurrent Command Execution with Colored Output


  • subprocess: Used for running new applications or programs through Python.
  • threading: Allows for running different parts of the program concurrently.
  • os: Provides a way of using operating system dependent functionality.
  • fcntl: Allows for file control and I/O operations on file descriptors.
  • select: Provides a way to wait for I/O completion on multiple streams.
  • colorama: A third-party module used for making ANSI escape character sequences work under MS Windows terminals.
  • termcolor: A third-party module used for coloring terminal text.


  1. set_nonblocking(fd):
    • Sets the file descriptor fd to non-blocking mode.
  2. run_command(command, app_name, color):
    • Runs a shell command in a non-blocking manner using subprocess.Popen.
    • Sets stdout and stderr of the process to non-blocking mode.
    • Continuously reads from the process’s output and error, printing anything that is emitted.
    • Colors the output according to the specified app_name and color.
    • Returns the process’s exit code once it finishes.
  3. run_server():
    • Wrapper function to run the server application.
  4. run_client():
    • Wrapper function to run the client application.

Main Execution Flow:

  1. Initializes colorama for colored output compatibility across different operating systems.
  2. Defines a list of target functions representing different services to run concurrently (e.g., a web server and a client).
  3. Starts a new thread for each target function, running the corresponding commands concurrently.
  4. Waits for all threads to complete before exiting.